Ferro’s vast body of illustrative and design works - spanning from his first advertising project in the early 1950s, through the 1980s thereafter as a freelance designer, illustrator, graphic artist, and artistic director - led him around the globe, from his first home in New York City, to the Middle East, and to Europe. Commissioned through numerous publishing, magazine, and corporate clients, originals and prints of his works remain in the form of book illustrations, advertisement and features for newspapers and magazines, and one of a kind projects for corporate and personal artistic endeavors. Most notable are illustrations for books by Hemingway and Wiesel, numerous pieces for Gourmet Magazine, Reader's Digest, and Newsweek, and select works in The New Yorker, Saturday Evening Post, Harper’s, Woman’s Day, and many others, as well as work done for Aramco World and Mobil Oil in his capacity as Art Director at each for many years. Additionally, Ferro created a number of specialized illustration projects, including a series of woodcut prints of the seaside for an edition of Audubon Magazine, as well as for an unpublished book on the lifecycle of sunflowers.